dialect literature


Sussex Verse


Author: Lower, Richard (1782-1865)

Text type: Verse

Date of composition: 1831

Editions: 1844, 1849, 1850, 1877, 1887

Source text:

Lower, Richard. 1849. Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun, shewing the many difficulties he met with, and how he got safe home at last; told by himself and written in pure Sussex doggerel by his Uncle Tim. Sussex: Printed for, and sold wholesale by the author, R. Lower, Chiddingly. Brighton: sold retail by Leppard, Burns and Grant, etc.


          Access and transcription: July 2011

          Format: MS Word       pdf

          Number of words: 4,689

          Dialect represented: Sussex     

          Produced by Javier Ruano-García


Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun, shewing the many difficulties he met with, and how he got safe home at last; told by himself and written in pure Sussex doggerel by his Uncle Tim




The Southern Counties





The Northern Counties

The East Midland Counties

The West Midland Counties

The Southern Counties

        Sussex Drama

        Sussex Prose

        Sussex Verse

            Lower, Richard

        Sussex Varia


Copyright © 2011-DING, The Salamanca Corpus, Universidad de Salamanca